May 17, 2023


There are many ideas of what a “homestead” is or is not.

What is should or should not include.
Some think it means you are completely “off the grid”.
Others feel it means you raise all your own food.

I’ve heard it said that to be a true homesteader, you must do everything the “old fashioned way”.
Spring Cabbage

I know for us it means, “We’d rather do it at home ‘stead of going out.”

I’ve always had a love for gardening, canning, cooking, sewing, crafting, animals and learning the skills my Appalachian heritage is known for.  These things come as naturally to me as breathing.  It’s part of my DNA.  It nourishes my soul.
Ten years ago, we left the ever-growing suburbs of Atlanta and purchased land in the northern part of GA.  Seven acres in God’s country.  Plans of gardens, orchards, and the like were under way.

Then the unthinkable…

The economy took a turn for the worse.  And times got hard.  Things got tight.  It was all our two incomes could do to stay afloat.  We had no choice but to do it at home...‘stead of going out.

We made it through that valley. And old habits of eating out crept back in.  Life was back to normal.

Or so we thought.

That’s when the doctor gave my husband the diagnosis of cancer.

And we began to REALLY educate ourselves on the food that nourishes our bodies.  The harmful effects of chemicals, over processing and other additives in our modern American diet became front and center of our focus.
It’s when we got real about being “home insteaders”. Our choice wasn't a political one. It wasn't a desire to be trendy. We were not prepping for fear of the future. We were simply being intentional about life and all that entails.
That diagnosis came several years ago now. Fast forward to today...Last year we picked up and moved from GA to WY. We're empty-nesters that have always had a dream of living "out west". So we did.
If we weren't home-insteaders before moving to WY it would have been a lot more difficult a transition.Join us as we continue this adventure in a new state, a new climate, new people, new EVERYTHING!!

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T here are many ideas of what a “homestead” is or is not. What is should or should not include. Some think it means you are completely “off ...

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